Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lord of the Rings Movie night

Movie night with the extended addition of course...its a tradition of ours ( for about 9 months) to have our twin friends come over enjoy papa john's pizza and movie or two. It started with Mega mind, then went to Avatar the last bender, Clue etc. It has been so much fun! So Lord of the Rings was selected to prep us up for the hobbit in December. Nerds yes! Refer to the chart from on nerd vs geek. Though I do fancy Arrested Development as a must see once a year on my list of movies with A&E Pride and Prejudice. I delivered a dinner to a friend(who just had a baby last week) of ham casserole which we called a break. We only got through half of the 2 movie that night. No worries we will finish them all in November with another movie night. Aww!... Sigh!... The joys of a blu-ray and good friends!
Pinned Image

Becoming Van Gogh

So we went to the becoming Van Gogh exhibit at the DAM this last week for our weekly date and it was slightly underwhelming compared to the other exhibits they have had previously.

With viewing Van Goghs I love seeing the texture of the strokes which on most of the pieces in the exhibit  was lost in a glass refection which covered the painting. Though for the $10 each person, we paid for it was worth it, if I paid $20 I would have hated it.
  Van Gogh finding his style was highlighted and my favorite part was his Japanese prints. They were beautiful! His life was more the highlight then his art in the exhibit.... the audio was distracting to the art more than enlightening, I ended up turning off my audio and glaring at the few self-portraits that they had of him and pondered on the difficulty that it would be to stare at myself in a mirror and paint, no wonder he had an interesting crazy look in his eyes. If I could talk to Van Gogh I would want to ask him if he was proud that his art went big or totally embarrassed. With my art if someone took my beginning sketches and mainly highlight them not displaying the best pieces in an exhibit--I would be embarrassed. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Iron Chef "Corn"

We had Iron Chef last Saturday it was corn! No corny jokes, just alot of corn pudding, corn meals and the winner made corn Polenta with lime and cilantro. It was spicy it cleared my sinus and so hot I had to drink tons of water but I loved it! Little C slept for alot of it and Peanut woke up from a nap right before we went to the party in downtown so he was clingy on my lap which everyone know that was not normal behavior for him. Though when he noticed there was soda, he livened up and chugged it down! Next Iron Chef is ginger!    
Death by Corn from iauthority.


Victorian Horrors

Photo from A sort of fairytale blogspot
Like last year, we went to the Molly Brown house for the Victorian horrors on our weekly date. It was tales of the sea commemorating the 100 year anniversary of the titanic. It was awesome! What is a Victorian Halloween story read without Edgar Allen Poe? This year his poem was Anabel Lee, the others stories were amazing too. Scary and thoughtful... not creepy, the way I like it (I'm a scary cat that will punch if annoyed in haunted house)!

      The storytellers were fabulous, and there were three older high tea enthusiast women who were in costume on our tour, I absolutely love seeing older people going about life having fun and in costume. They don't let their age stop them from doing things. They told me a good tea place was Miss B's downtown, which  I have not tried yet. We love going to the Victorian horrors  and we will go again as long as we live in the area.  Though weather was hotter then last year so Mr Incredible frowned on the fact that they did not give us apple cider, it just meant that we sweated a little... OK it was a lot, it was really hot in the house. But all in all it was fun night, despite the house was very hot!

 The next day at 7 am, I met up with my dear friend at La Mars donuts( love there seasonal donuts pumpkin) I got Carmel apple cider which was warranted with the weather before my photography seminar that I had a love-hate relationship towards. I loved it because it was inspiring! I hated it because it was no techniques of photography taught and very long!


Sunday, October 21, 2012


Lately our Peanut has been wanting to dress himself. He is very independent(like when he tries to drink out of the milk jug). He will take off his shirt and put on mine or Mr Increditable black, and white stripped shirt it's funny. It looks like he is wearing a dress a large dress, which he loves to run around and play, instead of wearing pants.

 The first time he put on one of daddy's shirts for himself he put the sleeve over his head and got stuck, screaming for my help it. When he put on his own shirt for the first time he put it on upside down stretching the collar and was frustrated that he could not figure out, how to get his arms in the sleeves, and what went wrong. It's a step up from his nudist days on the balcony, hopefully he will not go back.


Photo from Jared's Gaint Pumpkin Fest 2010 when we went!

So on friday I went and canned at my friends house sans kids we canned applesauce, apple pie filling and cucumbers. Crazy because of how much we had to do and yet fun! I miss my garden this year, due to little C coming we forthwent the community garden, so missed lookng for my butternut squash like an easter egg hunt and trying to grow a mid-sized gaint pumpkin, perhaps this next year.Gaint pumpkins once they hit 850 lbs are to flat to look like beautiful pumpkins.

Sickness was rapid at our house...the only one not effected was me... so that shot our weekend to a low. Though our babysitter came as usual for a weekly date we went to Hotel Translyvia a tradition of going and watching one halloween movie every october since we were married and going to alot of feastivals and parties. I like pumpkins to much to eat to deface them, (its like putting avacodos on on your face, a waste of a good fruit)  gourds are a different story, they grown to be carved on. They are hard to find in stores.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Korkers take forever

Korker - Pumpkin

So I attempted to make korker hair bows bad idea. One because they take forever to make the korker curl and you have to have tons of ribbon... no wonder why I see tons of people buying them on wholesale for a dollar or 1.25. The ones that I started to make took me like 4 hours+ to do and I'm still not done. And if you see that I have a korker on my crib shoes in the shop that are black and small mark my words they are going to be expensive! Korkers you are killing me, never again.

On the bright side my jingle bells came in with my monarch butterfly wings! So I went to crafting and here is what I got.

If you want them message me and I will give them to you for 10.00 + shipping

                                                        Heart these christmas tutu and shoes.

Fall tutu!
Sale of fall hair clips at frilled lizard. Have a great night!


Monday, October 8, 2012

Craft Fair + taste of Asia party

Mango Lassi

So on Saturday, I went and helped my prego friend with her C.C baby inc booth at the overland high craft fair. It was really fun, her display were amazing... I regret I didn't have a camera! C.C. Baby Inc is couture baby boutique stuff, she had amazing deals I wanted to buy it all up, instead I sold it. I also had the opportunity to stroll around tried some green lemonade made of kale and found a cupcake bakery named two sistahs with no tasters... how lame is that... hopefully better then gigis, those are way to sweet with little flavor. The Denver cupcake truck has yummy cupcakes they are just in Denver and have no printed schedule that I know of. Oh, how I long for the amazing sprinkles cupcakes, so intensive was my longing a couple weeks ago that I almost bought an overpriced mix at William and Sonomas, but Mr. Incredible stopped me and made me some chocolate ones at home.  The ladies in the booth next to ours from Oh Fudge!spoiled us and gave us their left over samples,  truly divinity in my mouth you can order through them via email, that plus to the 1.5 pounds I bought was able to clean up and enjoy both the cold and the Avengers that night.  

Still I can't believe how cold it got so quick. so we have been busting out our banana dulce tea, which gives me great delight. Yesterday, Mr. Incredible made a fabulous spread of Asia, when a man is determined to cook I stand aside, we had chicken vinadaloo, naan bread, Thai potato curry, Cambodian curry, Thai custard and mango lassis. Our neighbors that came over were awesome company. I'm so glad we did it, Mr. Incredible is grateful for all the left overs.

Little Model

This was from august and I never published it. We went to southglenn fountain to allow Peanut to burn energy out and we were sadden by the fact that we did not bring our camera, seeing  a professional photographer there taking pictures of her son. Peanut did many happy dances in the fountain along with circles around the fountain. Joyous and happy the entire time.  His hamminess attracted the attention of CBESS photographer and asked us if she could get pictures of him. We said sure and she good some amazing photos of him! We are definitely going to get our family photos from her hopefully in the snow!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Back to Africa

We went on our weekly date to the DAM, where Mr Increditble and I loved the African art by El Anatsui a ghanain it was truly inspiring! He created art in so many mediums, aluminum, wood, clay, acylics etc. My favorite was the everchanging pieces of bottle caps and other pieces that looked liked African textiles in the way they flowed. Watching the documentary of him, he said art freed him, and allowed him to express his history through his pieces, for example the Peak milk cap sculptures that are showing daily life in Ghana and consumption. What an amazing man, I'm so glad we went to it.Then we enjoyed the deliable foods at palettes along with the art in there. We talked of art styles that we love and how we are inspired to use our environment to make art...all the cardboard boxes we got in the garage, instead of making the cardboard forts this time we are going to make an art piece.  It's going to be fabulous!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Where's the respect?

I have been annoyed with hearing people tell me, that they could/would never let there husbands serve in the military so they could not be me. Seriously you are going to frankly voice your opinion to me about it and not support me as a friend. Not cool! I never whined to my friends about it, actually I never talked about it but focused on other things. Yes, did I miss him? Absolutely! But if the benefits of health care were not there I would not have survived.   I've read news articles that said the culture in the USA is turned to not respecting our troops. Which saddens me, I'm grateful for my grandparents and others that went to war for our country and everyone who fought for what... I did not have to witness! It's horrible not to see the respect! I've seen it and have seen a great deal of respect from older veterans and some businesses, but the younger generation and most people do not get it.

After the debates last night I feel more lost in which candidate can get congress to not cut our benefits to the military families. But I guess I'm realizing people in the USA really don't care and understand the freedom which they have. Switzerland may be neutral but their people are the army that defends their freedom.

Be respectful of others that sacrifice in your behalf and look at the pay they get before you judge and start cutting benefits--slavery is outlawed and indentured servants a no go, military service will become that if benefits get cut. So if no one goes into the military service. Will a national draft come if military is reduced and we are at war? What then another Vietnam? Where vets come home messed up and are not taken care of. The private-sector will not care nor have the funds to help.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cookie recipe election and 7-11 coffee cup votes


As you know during election time my favorite poll is the cookie recipe poll and the results came out. With 58 % for Michelle, and Ann 40%, 2% can't decide. According to the recipes I'd take a double chocolate chip over an oatmeal cookie anyday.Also, the 7-11 coffee cup count is very acurrate as the cookie recipe poll. Obama won!  I'm still not surpised that polls are pointing to Obama, Romney does not stand a chance if he does not win Ohio and traditionally speaking the incumbent always wins.
I  wonder about this coffee poll are people who drink coffee most likely to vote for a man that doesn't drink coffee like them. People want to vote for people that are like them. Is drinking coffee a factor? According to some news reports people will not vote for a guy that is mormon, and as for me who is mormon I don't don't base my sole opinion of a candidate on their religion or what they drink. But clearly many do! 


Case of the Mondays

Mondays are notorious for being bad, mine are normally ok. So here's what happened my friends come and visit,  Mr. Incredible leaves to school, and Peanut goes down for a nap...not so bad, actually pretty awesome!

    While I could not leave little C due to feeding her, Peanut created an epic disaster with blinds, bodily fluids and more in his room. Ahh! That shot my day, to repairing the blinds, and a huge clean-up. As I was cleaning his room, he went and throw an entire toilet paper roll in the toilet. I got him to fish it all out! Thus resulting in having to stick Peanut in his old crib so he would not get in any more trouble and I would have my eyes on him, resulted in realizing his crib has be re-modeled and the structure fortified for little C to use it. Luckily I saw that before she used it! Off to home depot for screws to bolt down the drop slide! 

Yay 8:30 got here! Peanut was ready for bed and Mr. Incredible close to home! One the bright side I had an order to fill and the shop is going to be highlighted on Mountain Standard Time blog.
