Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Get your frock on

So it's a belated celebration to Jelly Bean day and an early celebration of the royal nuptials. No, it's not the jelly bean that is worth 100K + because it looks like Kate M. These are Jelly Bellys... the best tasting jelly beans out there and are made in the USA. The art piece by John Lewis is fabulous with the different shades of color. You gotta love that you can buy belly flops and all the amazing flavor.

Dear Jelly Belly,

Please bring back your blue mint to market, because I have missed it and your peppermint pink is not cutting it.


A devoted customer

Well, Kate and Will I will toast a cup of herbal tea and eat an English scone with french creme in your honor on friday. I just hope you have a more blissful marriage then Charles and Di. I love your eco-friendly cottage.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thai Night

Pad ki mow is what I made and we ate for dinner last night. Pad ki mow is spicy pork noodles with lime leaves, instead of pork I used bison (because I had it not very Thai to use bison, I know) it was so yummy. I was amazed at the taste and it was all cooked in 10 minutes. Mr. Incredible liked it as well, though different tasting then Indian and Filippo dishes. I've had Keffir lime leaves around the kitchen from Savory Spice Shop so it was an easy meal to make. It was topped off with a cherry banana smoothie.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Nan-traditional Easter

So yesterday for Easter we skipped out on the traditional ham and made vindaloo and Nan bread. It was so yummy with a berry sorbet! I love the holiday season of celebrating the birth of the savior with eggs and bunnies. I absolutely love Ukrainian eggs, they are amazingly beautiful next year I plan on making alot of them and stuffing them with candy like the old school. It was a fun Easter!

Soap box: Read

I wish that people were more aware of how their political actions can mean alot. Really, I know its hard to believe, when you continually vote and it does not change anything. I love to be more aware of whats happening in the world. I wish more people would take the time to read and learn what is going on. It is about expanding your horizons. We may not have the same experiences as each other but that does not mean you can't enlighten my life by your experiences. You can probably tell by the picture I have been reading alot of genocides and dictatorship. So be aware and read, don't pull a Mel Gibson! I promised along time ago when I talked about bilingual baby about a search engine for Spanish books from PBS its great tool.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

DIY Projects for baby shower

One of my friends is having a baby girl at last after so many boys. So I was going to make her a tutu but I found one locally made cheaper then I could have ever made it for. But I decided to make her a tea skirt that was reversible with the tutu. It was pretty easy to make and turned well here is the instructions if you want to do it. I bought her amazing brand new clothes at this fabulous consignment boutique . I love locally owned business that sell locally made clothing.

Here are some of my favorite baby DIY projects to look into if you don't knit and feel like creating something for a shower more then a blanket and without a pattern: Making a Baby/Toddler Sling , resources for sewing slings in all varieties
Baby Sensory Tag Blanket,Newborn baby caps, this one is easy to follow
baby knot caps which I heart, girl reversible dress smooch, Make a T-shirt in 90 mins, No sew tutu you can use ribbon or elastic.

Got cloth diapers?

So in celebration of earth day we decided to sign Peanut up for the Great Cloth Diaper Change for the Guinness Book of World Records. It was more fun then expected! It was at the Lakewood Cultural Center which is pretty cool and hosted by Eco-Politan. We won a Ju-Ju-Be Changing Pad and a $25 gift card. Which we got an awesome race car for Peanut which he still has not put down still he got it. On Wednesday I went to the bookstore and Peanut wanted this creepy looking cat that looked like my Mother and younger sista would pick out from Manhattan toys the picture does not show its strangeness. I walked to the bookstore with Peanut in the Ergo baby carrier he is so big, I wish I had the stroller with me.

Needless to say all of us had a fabulous week. Peanut was even ok with sporting his sunglasses on the playground this week that made him look like Stevie Wonder as he looked at the sun. at the Easter egg Hunt on friday he didn't even care to get more then one egg. He loved playing with other kids toys more then candy.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Charlie's Soap review

In February I wrote on how we won Charlie's Soap I love the spray cleaner. The laundry powder is lame in my opinion, it does not clean stains and when it's being used for Peanut's highly sensitive skin that is what I need. a soap to get stains out and clean the clothes. I'm glad I did not buy it. I would not recommend it! But hey if any one wants to give it a try it's yours for the taking.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hey Hair Begone

Last week I decided to drop the tassels of long hair that have plagued me for sometime, to short hair. Now, I don't know if Tangled inspired me or parenting mag did, all I have to say is I love it. It's nice to have a new spring look and hair that does not take forever to style.

While getting my hair cut I had Peanut with me in his stroller, my hairstylist Kim was amazed that he was so good. He did his yelp which was very quiet because he was way too tired to even verbalize himself but he was contend to wait it was very nice. She is a wonderful hairstylist that is fabulous with curly hair.

The Book Thief

So yesterday I finished The Book Thief written by Aussie Mark Zusak it was interesting twist on the holocaust. From the perceptive of Death on a promise-keeper who does not get caught and send away to a camp. Death narration totally reminded me of The color of Magic and Hogsfather by novelist Terry Pratchett. I liked it! Though I've read the Hiding Place, The Zoo Keeper's Wife, The Guernsey Literary and Potatoes Peel Pie Society. All have different views of the Holocaust, some are more touching to me then others, the Book Thief was refreshing it brought a new light on the regular joe-German and how they were caught in a dictatorship state and how because of personal experiences they got involved. It happens in all countries with dictatorships the citizens who can not flee are stuck in it and have to learn to survive.

It was brilliant of the author to highlight how the Fuhrer was all about words, and so was the girl. Propaganda in this book equals brain washing and is clearly more impacting on the young then others who are wiser and have lived through wars before. I like the thought that words save her. I also love that he used alot of german words in it.

Though I'm unsure about some details they seem alittle far fetched such as. Would the rich mayors wife be able to save all her library from the book burnings? Would the boy who loved Jesse Owens and could not control his mouth really have lived that long in Nazi Germany without changing his style? Would the girl who writes really survived the bombs on Himmel Street?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Homemade junk food recipes=love

I have always loved eating savory foods. My taste buds have altered a bit for sweet after Peanut was born. I like knowing what is my food with out the dictionary( and junk food at wholefoods and sunflower market are expensive). While in Chicago I learned how to make homemade oreos from a cake box and with frosting. But that was the limit of my junk food. So I found this fabulous collection of alternative recipes on re-nest.

Whatz up Peeps?

Peep Diorama contests are the new in thing for Spring time. I found this little lovely Peep display on re-nest . Love the creativity!

Brazilian Food and Grapefruit Cake

So, I adventured to make Brazilian food, I wish it were a Brazilian BBQ but I didn't have the grill for that. So I made a more Brazilian black beans and rice it was yummy. I had a ton of grapefruit that needed to be used so we made grapefruit yogurt cake found the recipe at Smitten Kitchen. Peanut said to me yesterday as he waved at me and run off "Au revoir." I'm teaching him Spanish where did the perfect French come from?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Crewe and Cristo

I read Sara Crewe off gutenberg online a few weeks ago. Having gotten the book idea from Cinderella Ate my daughter. It was a wonderful book on good mannered princess back in merry old England. I absolutely wish that our day and age would go back to that refinement of manners. She was not entitled rather in a horrible mess her only friend was Emily her doll, it reminded me of Tom Hanks in Cast Away actually. Though she was scourged and beat up she still treated the people around her with the utmost respect. It was amazing! Contrast that kind behavior with Count of Monte Cristo though two different cultures the French are more passionate people then the English particularly about lovers. Edmond Dante's is regrettably wrenched for being a simpleton. The author is amazing in his writing. Traditionally, Christian writings you see the good people get rich and the greed people are in awful situations as punishment, but here it's reverse and Dantes takes upon himself the role judge and has revenge which blows up in his face in the end. It is rich with adventures and scheming. I love this book.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hopping into Strawberry Milk and German food

So this weekend between Mr. Incredible breaking of concrete and building of bridges (all in a days' work) and conference. We watched the movie Hop for our date with tons of candy. I could not help myself the movie that highlights a bunny pooping jelly beans, it would be tragic going empty handed so all assorted of tasty treats that totaled two pounds. I had the candy on my lap and a little 6 year old girl sat next to me wide eyed seeing the large amount of candy that was on my lap. It was funny, almost as much as the popularity of the Peeps diorama contests. Hop was a good movie it got me in the mood for Easter.

When we went to Colorado Springs to go with Mr. Incredible to see the bridges. We stopped at our favorite German restaurant, we loved it. Peanut thoroughly enjoyed his kasespatzle, German noodles with Swiss cheese. It was amazing that he was so clean after he ate it. Later we made really strawberry milk and cupcakes it was amazing. Got the idea and recipe for