Monday, February 20, 2012

girls, lizards, and lions

Life goes by so quick... I'm 7 months cooked and we had our gender reveal party. We are having a girl! Peanut had a blast with the balloons at the party and the gluten free cake for grandma. I'm so glad that so many of our friends and grandma could come. It was fun and I'm excited for a girl.

So we have been taking advantage of the free days at the zoo... when it was freezing cold. It was awesome...most of the other people visiting the zoo were speaking different languages then English, which was really nice. Not a lot of people were there but the animals that are normally sleeping were moving around to keep warm, like the lions and tigers. So we got to talk to all the zoo workers and we found out that

Tigers are only 1/2 pound normally when they are born. The 20 month tiger was 856 pounds at the time. Crazy how fast they grow! I'm glad I don't have to dish out 20 pounds of meat per day.

Denver nature and science museum exhibit you vs sue was replaced with lizards and snakes. Peanut and Mr. Incredible loved running around the exhibits trying to find all the creatures. Peanut was a little scared of snakes. Not as afraid of the snakes as he his with our toy singing Santa that induces nightmares and makes him run the other direction when we push the button to start the music and the propeller. Who knew "Santa Clause is coming to town" song would strike so much fear into a person!

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